Lite+ application is a service that brings you microcredit services based on fintech technology and artificial intelligence technology. When you download our application and enter your information, your credit limit will be fixed and you will have many advantages, such as increasing your credit limit for frequent services. We will keep your information strictly confidential, so you are responsible for entering your information accurately. And to get this service, you only need a mobile phone and no collateral is required. As long as you are connected to the Internet, you can apply for a loan at any time of the day, 24 hours a day.Product Terms:Loan amount: 80,000₮ - 120,000₮Annual loan interest: 0.17% - 5% - 15% (daily interest, monthly interest, maximum annual interest)Loan cost: 20% for the entire period (including the total loan cost)Premiums and renewals: 1000₮ - 6000₮Loan repayment period: from 61 to 90 daysCalculation:When the customer gets a loan of 100,000₮:Service fee - 5,000₮1 month loan interest: 5%When repaying the loan after 90 days: 115,000 MNT will be paid.5,000₮ service fee will be added to this payment, and the customer will repay 120,000₮ after three months.Interest is paid monthly and principal is paid at the end of the term.Solve your financial needs with the Lite+ app on the most favorable terms.Facebook page: Lite+ loan appInstagram: Lite_plus_officialLayat Vision LLC